D: We wanted to do shots this week, and we were aiming for shots containing stuff we have kicking around in excess (largely wanting shots with Kahlua since I grabbed a bottle). We went with the B-52, which is a classic mixed shot, and Blow Job, because, well, Deadpool.
[Blow Job]
- 1/2 Kahlua
- 1/2 Bailey’s Irish Cream
- Whipped Cream (canned or in a canister with co2 cartridges, so you can spray it on top)
Needed items:##
- Shot Glass
- Pour ~ 1/2oz of Kahlua into the bottom of a shot glass
- Gently (over a spoon helps) pour 1/2oz of Bailey’s over top
- Top with lots of whipped Cream
- Awkwardly consume
- 1/3 Kahlua
- 1/3 Bailey’s Irish Cream
- 1/3 Triple Sec
Needed items:##
- Shot Glass
- Cold teaspoon
- Pour 1/3 oz Kahlua into a shot glass
- Over a cold bar spoon or teaspoon, gently pour 1/3oz Bailey’s
- Over the same cold spoon, gently pour 1/3oz Triple Sec
- Consume
Blow Job###
S: It’s delicious; depending on where you order it, it can also get very very messy. ie: putting it in a Sour Glass and covering the entire top with whipped cream. The idea of the shot, is to take it with your hands behind your back, picking it up with your mouth and shooting it. Doing it shot-glass only is gentle.
D: Great, far better than I expected. I’d totally drink it at bars and stuff if asked to do shots. Will be my goto if I need to pick shots for something, great drink.