Whiskey Sour and Roses For Alex


D: Computer fiiiiixed! RIP ancient PSU, you’re powering computer components in heaven, now. I like being right [pity I now need a new PSU when I build Steph’s rig though]. To celebrate, Whiskey Sour! And whatever the heck Roses For Alex is! Steph wanted a white rum drink, and it sounded good if only because it has Grenadine in it. And well, Whiskey Sours are a classic drink, so we’ll give it a go.

HIS DRINK: [Whiskey Sour]


  • 2.5oz Rye Whiskey
  • 1oz Lemon juice
  • 1/3oz Simple Syrup
  • 1 Maraschino Cherry
  • 1 orange slice (garnish)

Needed items:

  • Sour glass (I used an Old Fashioned glass)

Juice a lemon, or be a weirdo and use bottled juice.

Add the whiskey, lemon juice, and simple syrup to a cocktail shaker, or cocktail glass if you have a shaker that fits over it, filled with ice. Shake.

Strain into a sour (or Old Fashioned >.>) glass over ice.

Garnish, drink.


[Roses For Alex]


  • 1 part White Rum
  • 1 part Triple Sec
  • 2 parts Club Soda
  • 1 splash Grenadine
  • 1 Maraschino Cherry

Needed items:

  • Old Fashioned Glass (yay, right this time)

Fill an Old Fashioned glass with ice, add the white rum and triple sec. Top with club soda.

Finish with a splash of grenadine (be a bit generous). Garnish and serve and/or drink.


Whiskey Sour:

Delicious. I mean, it’s classic for a reason. I was too generous on the simple syrup, so watch that, I’d almost err on the side of less. Sour good. Otherwise, kind of like a Gimlet, but Rye, and lemon intsead of lime. Don’t mind it at all.

Roses For Alex:

D: I did try some, definitely not my favourite; very light drink (which is the idea, and how the recipe sells it). Good if you want something very light, but one might just drink a mamosa or something instead at that point. Not the greatest. The name is also a tad weird.

S: So the day we did the photos, I had previously been to a work thing. I had 3 rum and cokes (all with double shots), so I figured it might be best to try something a little lighter this round. This is how Roses for Alex got chosen. It was more rum, but overall, the club soda made it a very light drink. It isn’t my usual cup of tea, as it is quite light, but for a day when I’ve already drank quite a bit… this was just enough to end the day.